A 30-mph e-bike to compete with cars in cities? Investors just bet $20 million on it
“Bird and Lime are scooting along, backed by hundreds of millions in venture capital. But there are still plenty of companies hoping to dominate the […]
“Bird and Lime are scooting along, backed by hundreds of millions in venture capital. But there are still plenty of companies hoping to dominate the […]
“Tesla just built what Electrek claims is Asia’s largest energy storage system at Osaka’s extremely busy train station in Japan — in just two days. Rather than providing households cheaper […]
“A team from NASA and MIT has created a new type of airplane wing — and it could make air travel far more efficient. In a paper published […]
“On Tuesday, aerospace company Boeing completed the first ever test flight of its autonomous passenger air vehicle (PAV) — a flying car, basically — at a facility […]
A Battery-Powered Electric Plane Just Had Its First Test Flight in Australia
Mexico Wants to Build a Hyperloop That Cuts a Six-Hour Trip Down to 45 Minutes
Meet the futuristic personal transportation vehicle coming th China and U.S. soon
China wants to build a “flying train” capable of reaching 2,485 mph
World’s First Full Scale Passenger Hyperloop Capsule
App enhanced bikesharing that let you leave bikes anywhere will saturate China and Europe by 2018
In 2020 the Tesla Gigafactory will produce three times the original plan of 35GWh per year worth of batteries
Experts say hypersonic age is now imminent and inevitable and we are at the start of a renaissance in supersonic and…
#future = #clean #green #sustainability #energy #transportation #tech #innovation #science #design #singularity…
#future = #clean #green #sustainability #energy #transportation #tech #innovation #science #design #singularity…
#future = #clean #green #sustainability #energy #transportation #tech #innovation #science #design #engineering