How a Machine That Can Make Anything Would Change Everything
““Something is going to happen in the next forty years that will change things, probably more than anything else since we left the caves.” –James Burke
James Burke has a vision for the future. He believes that by the middle of this century, perhaps as early as 2042, our world will be defined by a new device: the nanofabricator.
These tiny factories will be large at first, like early computers, but soon enough you’ll be able to buy one that can fit on a desk. You’ll pour in some raw materials—perhaps water, air, dirt, and a few powders of rare elements if required—and the nanofabricator will go to work. Powered by flexible photovoltaic panels that coat your house, it will tear apart the molecules of the raw materials, manipulating them on the atomic level to create…anything you like. Food. A new laptop. A copy of Kate Bush’s debut album, The Kick Inside. Anything, providing you can give it both the raw materials and the blueprint for creation…”
#future = #REALnews #robots #tech #innovation #science #design #singularity #engineering #automation #AI #artificialintelligence #economy #finance #universalbasicincome #basicincome #money #UBI
Anything, like gold and diamonds?
You know, with today’s technology we’re able to make them but, it’s all being kept secret because it would destabilize the economy.
Merry Christmas!
Plz don’t use the cave concept, because it’s PC and incorrect.
DA L huh?
Wasim Muklashy
You quoted James Burke….
DA L And how is that incorrect?
Wasim Muklashy
Since you’re having a hard time:
“….since we left the caves.”
I find it hard to believe that people hold on to this ridiculous notion that we somehow emerged from caves, even though God states that we were farmers coming out of the Garden of Eden; technology of different sorts was unearthed; architecture and engineering were used all over the globe that we can’t seem to duplicate today; metallurgy was used almost from the beginning…..etc.
DA L Yeah I had a feeling you were going to go there. Thanks for your thoughts. Have a nice day.
Wasim Muklashy
Truth is hard to swallow?
DA L Yeah sure. You got it.
miguel agramonte
Perhaps people resided in caves to get out of the elements, or to escape a disaster, or to get away from a predator, or hide from enemies.
We were never cave dwellers per say, for God said we began as farmers. 🙂
The Bible is our historical record…..
Have a blessed night!
DA L sorry if I disturbed your peace earlier. I’ve the tendency to say or make bizarre comments.
May you always follow your God’s word.
miguel agramonte
Thank you, and hopefully He is your God too!?
May He bless you with truth and blessings….