“A group in Malawi wants to build Africa’s first 3D printed buildings. A LafargeHolcim and CDC joint venture, 14Trees, will use a COBOD BOD2 3D printer to build housing and schools. Initial testing allowed them to build the walls of one demo building in 14 hours and another in 18. On the back of possible success in Malawi, 14Trees wants to roll out the technology in Zimbabwe and Kenya.

Since LafargeHolcim is one of the world’s largest cement companies and the COBOD printer has so far performed well, this team really does have a great opportunity to spread 3D printing across the African continent. 14Trees also seems like a very laudable company, whose aim is to accelerate affordable housing in Africa…”

Read More: https://3dprint.com/276843/malawi-wants-to-build-africas-first-3d-printed-buildings/