Crops Are Harvested Without Human Input, Teasing the Future of Agriculture

Crops Are Harvested Without Human Input, Teasing the Future of Agriculture

“Hands Free Hectare (HFH) is a company based in the United Kingdom that set out to develop automated agriculture — from planting and monitoring, to maintenance and eventual harvesting. The group has accomplished their task with two harvests, one of winter wheat and one of barley, proving autonomous vehicles and drones can handle the farming process without a single person stepping out onto the field.

“We have been able to show the public that this is something that isn’t too far ahead in the future, and it could be happening now,” Martin Abell, one of the researchers at HFH, told ABC Rural. “It has also allowed us to raise the perception of agriculture to the public, so they see it as a forward-thinking industry and something that might attract new people to the industry.”…”

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