AI Could Find Homes for Millions of Refugees Displaced by Climate Change

AI Could Find Homes for Millions of Refugees Displaced by Climate Change

“Climate change and global warming are exacerbating the problem of displaced persons, with millions of people expected to be forced to relocate to other — often cooler — countries. The problem is becoming so widespread that New Zealand is even considering creating a new visa specifically for those displaced by climate change.

Once they make the difficult decision to leave their home, refugees face a slew of other questions: To which country do they flee? Where in that country should they go? Will they be able to get a job once they arrive?

Researchers from Stanford Universityand ETH Zurich have now developed an algorithm that could potentially help countries place refugees more effectively by boosting their chances of finding employment and integrating into an unfamiliar society. Their research has been published in the journal Science…”

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