“With the release of the first 3D printed and FDA approved drug last year, pharmaceutical companies from all around are investing in 3D printing technologies. It has proven to be an efficient way of prototyping new products, with its cost efficient and effortless manner, but it is now moving into a new realm of printing the finished drugs themselves. In addition to efficient prototyping, 3D printed drugs can be tailored to patients in terms of its dose, size, appearance, and delivery, all of which can make the drug safer and more effective…”
#future = #REALnews #health #medicine #medtech #wellness #tech #innovation #science #design #biotech #biology #singularity #engineering #ai #artificialintelligence #robots #automation #3dprinting
This is so cool!
]]>There is actually an antidote to every disease and solution for every addiction, depression and deprivement…His name is Jesus. He didn’t want heaven without us so He died in our place to pay for the punishment we deserved for not obeying the Law of the God who created us. All He wants is a relationship with you and your humble service…just as He served you with His very life being God…a humble God…that loves you so very much. Ask Jesus into your heart today and let Him give you a better life than you dreamed. Blessings 🙂
]]>His Vessel Try telling that to a cancer patient in the midst of chemo. Or an AIDS patient in the midst of wasting. And I say this as a guy who was literally born in Nazareth (yes, THAT Nazareth), and has watched religion become bastardized and politicized by the powers and leaders that have divided and destroyed us for no one’s benefit but their own political and fiscal aspirations. The Jesus thing is a much harder sell today than it was before we had access to information, rather than simply blind faith in a book edited time and time again by those same powers that be, that still vie to control us, and have literally murdered hundreds of millions in the name of those very religions. So yeah…my Jesus is information. My Jesus is nature. My Jesus is science. My Jesus is actually loving, not just talking about it. My Jesus is meditation. My Jesus is tolerance of those that are good people that just simply refuse to put all their eggs in one Jesus basket. My Jesus is trees and mountains and oceans and animals. My Jesus is curiosity in the face of exploration. My Jesus is being a good person, not acting like one. My Jesus is leading by example, not preaching about it. But to each their own…evolution will sort it all out in due time. With that being said, sorry if all that sounds harsh, but I’m long past the point where a 2000 year old politically and financially organized, and continually corrupt (and I’m not just talking about Christianity, I’m talking about all organized religions, Judaism, Islam, whatever) group is going to define how I live my life and what I worship on a planet where humans have existed, and survived, hundreds of thousands of years before that.
]]>Wasim Muklashy
Hi Wasim. So nice of you to respond. I am not at all offended nor do I think that you were at all harsh. I am very honored that you trusted me enough to share your heart with me respectfully. I understand that you were merely venting and spirituality is a very touchy subject for some but because I know Jesus personally I so badly want people to have the relationship that satisfies. It’s been years since I have felt lonely because Jesus is always in my heart. Married couples that don’t know Jesus personally have said to me how lonely they feel even though they have plenty friends, plenty money and plenty family that even care about them. Furthermore, as you will see from accounts from people (on my page) who though they thought they had it all together and were satisfied…when they met Jesus they realized the truth about the state they were in.
As far as cancer goes, I prayed for some people that had cancer and they were healed…one of them was in a nursing home that I was volunteering at. If I met someone with AIDS I am sure the Creator of this universe would have no problem healing them. 🙂 Just check out my page for all the testimonies and check with hospitals to see if they have seen miracles of which I am sure some are documented. The news media is also aware that miracles happen and there have been sightings of angels. I have seen angels and have also seen evil spirits. I have seen Jesus too so I know what I am talking about and wouldn’t waste my time feeding you bologna. TRUST me.
I also understand people’s negative feelings and thoughts towards what they see as organized religion. The deception is that people are made to think that a Christian is all the way perfect. No, we are all works in progress. I have not met one person that is perfect save Jesus. Did you know that the Bible in ‘I John 1:8’ says, “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.”? The Bible says in Romans 3:23 that, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”…meaning we all have messed up and are in desperate need of a Savior to rescue us from the punishment that comes from breaking God’s Law. If you struggle with believing God, look at the movie God’s not Dead. Also in ‘I John 1:9’, the Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Also Romans 12:2 says, that we are transformed into the image of Christ – or made holy like Him – by the renewing of our minds…it’s a process, you see.
Just as God is a gentleman and won’t force Himself on you if you reject Him, so also will you not hear from me again because I don’t believe in harassing folk. I did want to add this however, perhaps you are familiar with the account of the woman caught in adultery…one of the reasons I am so drawn to Jesus is that He is a God of mercy and didn’t CONDEMN the woman…He merely told her to go and sin no more and gave her the power to stop her adulterous behavior as He spoke. There is a lot people don’t understand about behavior, perfection and Christianity. The wise one will say, God I don’t know and show me your way which the Bible says is higher than ours…but not unattainable. Remember the choice to accept or reject Christ has repercussions in the next life. Do you know where you spend eternity when you die? Are you willing to take that kind of gamble with your eternal soul? I challenge you to read and watch all that’s on my page. When you get to the bottom of it, pray and ask God for the Bible to make sense to you…because the Bible says only His Spirit can reveal the deep things of God( read I Corinthians 2:10)…once you have really given God and NOT religion a chance (because He is a person that died for the very chance to have a real relationship with you)…if you want Him in your life…just ask Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior.
God bless you, Sir
]]>His Vessel u don’t have to try to make everyone believe in your religion
]]>Since you responded, allow me to clarify…actually, I do…but not my religion…my relationship with Jesus and the salvation He brings from addiction, death and hell. We share good deals at a store why not Jesus who brings much more? Anyway, the decision of course is yours all I was suggesting is be educated about all repercussions of your decision. These are Jesus’ actual words and He is the God….”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (From Mark 16:15 – 16). Luke 14:23 even says, “Then the master told the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled [with guests].”
So I am just offering information and not demanding that you do anything. It helped me and because I care about your soul and love my God who died to save me…I am spreading His Word. God bless u. 🙂