Vaccines tailored to the unique genetic makeup of individuals’ tumors seem to work in a handful of patients.
“A vaccine that teaches the body to selectively destroy tumors has eluded cancer researchers for decades. Despite many clinical trials, such vaccines have shown little to no success. Now two personalized cancer vaccine approaches appear to have safely prevented cancer relapse in a dozen patients with late-stage skin cancer.
In recent years, scientists have realized that each patient’s tumor harbors a unique set of genetic characteristics, or mutations. So for cancer vaccines to be effective, they’ll probably also have to be unique. Two clinical trials, detailed today in separate papers in Nature, are among the first to show that this might be possible…”
#future = #REALnews #health #medicine #medtech #wellness #tech #innovation #science #design #biotech #biology #singularity #engineering #ai #artificialintelligence #robots #automation #cancer
]]>I called this by the way. I’ve even developed models and structures that would support this. Though they would be in theory, it (these theories) cover a span into biochemistry, genomal, meta-physics, and then some… If interested in my research findings, and that you may also be able to contribute I highly recommend sending me your word on such matter.
]]>Drang Silverwolf hi
]]>Can they kill them ?
]]>Thank God for Jesus Christ…
]]>Thank science, fuck religions, religions ie god, have never helped anyone…
]]>Hi Moontanman. I am the curator of this collection. While I am not religious at all, it’s not fair to say it has never helped anyone. Once it becomes politicized, sure, I cautiously agree with you, and once it falls way to the extreme fundamental sides, I definitely agree with you, but I know former inmates, former substance abusers as well as former hospital-ridden folk that were able to find peace through religion and have turned their lives around dramatically, so please try not to generalize as widely as you did in your comment. There is nothing constructive that can come of that approach. It’s not fair and it only adds to the mess humanity finds itself in now. Thank you for following this collection.
]]>Wasim Muklashy I humbly disagree, most of the so called benefits of religion in fact come from civilized societies and advanced moralities which were hijacked by religions.
Religion has in fact done nothing but hold back human progress and until christianity was gelded by secular societies during the enlightenment religion was one of the main causes of human misery.
Don’t agree? Ask all the people killed, by burning at the stake or drowning or simply converted at the point of a sword… Ask the various practitioners of pagan religions vilified and killed for their beliefs.
Ask all the people killed in religious conflicts over who was worshiping their imaginary friend correctly.
I’ll take science and western civilization anyday…
]]>Moontanman Once again, when it’s taken to the extreme fundamental side and politicized, as I stated before, that’s when the all of the atrocities you mention take place. But for you to lump that into a single balloon of ‘religion,’ well, makes you nothing but a self-righteous asshole. And if you’re going to be a self-righteous asshole and criticize people by attacking them and provoking them with a blanket ‘fuck religion’ statement, it can easily be said that your religion is ‘science,’ and your intolerance for those who may peacefully choose to follow a religion other than yours, would make you no better than those that that you rail against.
Not to mention, it is western civilization that is responsible for most of those atrocities you very much mention. Who do you think started the Crusades? Where did the Holocaust happen? How did the Native Americans get slaughtered? All of this was done by Western Civilization. As a matter of fact, Western Civilization is the single biggest purveyor of all modern day violence, wars, inequality, and intolerance.
And as far as holding up progress, really? Are you really trying to say that we have not made progress? I would argue that we have made MORE than incredible progress. As a matter of fact, I can’t think of a period that made more progress than we have in the past 100 years alone. These are literally the most statistically peaceful times in human history. EVER. At a time when there are more human on the planet than at any point in human history. EVER. If you don’t see that as progress, well, that’s no one’s problem but your own.
And if you choose to reply with a comment that is going to continue to generalize everything in a black or white manner, and choosing to ignore the massive area in between, where the truth always lies, my reply will be a wordless ban from the collection. A civil discussion or debate is one thing. But a blanket ‘Fuck Religion’ is another. I will not tolerate anyone here simply attacking anyone else’s beliefs, for that is the problem, not the solution, as I’m sure you’ve experienced over the past 3 paragraphs which were purposely designed to give you a taste of your own medicine.
This collection is about people finding solutions.
]]>Wasim Muklashy I happen to be Native American, the Bible was used to justify those atrocities. The bible was used to justify just about anything until the enlightenment gelded Christianity.
Now we have a completely different definition of Western civilization. I understand my definition is not the standard definition. I consider western civilization to have begun in the enlightenment. Before then it was just the standard divine right power over everyone and kill and enslave anyone who disagreed.
Is it perfect now? Of course not, but do I see people being burnt at the stake because someone thought they might be a pagan? No, but before the enlightenment began to change the course of history my people were almost exterminated because they didn’t bow down to Jesus or allow their lands and children to be taken away and civilized by savages who thought god gave them the right to do as they pleased to anyone…
]]>Moontanman And I happen to be Palestinian, born in Nazareth, Palestine aka Israel, so believe you me, I’m just as well aware of how religion can create a shit-show. And perhaps because of my background, I’m extremely empathetic and sympathetic towards what has happened to the Native Americans. That’s what led me to make the trip to Standing Rock last year during the Dakota Access pipeline situation, and what I experienced there was one of the most beautiful and incredible feelings of my life. And as un-religious as I am, it was hard not to feel a form of elevated spirituality during those ceremonies around the spirit fire each day. And it was that sense of communal spirituality that helped that movement rise up to the levels that it did. And it was hard to see that as anything but good. So if you’re going to lump things into either a science or religion basket, with nothing in between, which basket would you lump Native American ceremony into? I’d be hard pressed to put that into the ‘science’ side, which means by your accounting, when you said ‘fuck religion,’ and stick to it as a blanket statement with no middle ground, you’re also saying ‘Fuck Native American ceremony.’ So, is there a middle ground now?
Soooo…in my view, it’s not the religion that sucks, it’s what ‘some’ people decide to do with it that sucks. If it wasn’t for that religion, I’d probably have two dead friends that have instead become some of the most contributing members of society I’ve ever known.
And they haven’t killed anyone…
]]>Wasim Muklashy Spiritual feelings are not the same as religious. At a pow wow I get the same feelings as you describe but I don’t give any supernatural beings credit for that. Spiritual feelings is a very human thing, I would say even animals have those feelings. A bear standing gazing at a sunset seems to at least potentially qualify.
I understand what you are saying but I give credit to good people due to them being good people, not a supernatural being who gives them those good qualities.
Good people do good things, bad people do bad things. Religion is all that is required for good people to be convinced to do bad things…
Religion doesn’t make you good or bad, your own charactor defines those things. religion simply takes credit for them…
]]>Moontanman And that’s all that it was meant to mean, that just because someone is religious, it’s not always that they’re lending credence to a supernatural being, sometimes they’re simply cherry-picking the parts that they need to help put them on a path that is different than the destructive path they were once on before that. Now, if they fall into the fundamentalist side of it all, that’s another story. But if they just take the good from it to help guide them – love your neighbor, help everyone, etc etc – then I see nothing but good from that.
By your stated standards, it would mean that there are no good people that are religious, and I simply don’t think you believe that.
And religion is not all that is required for good people to be convinced to do bad things.
Money can do that.
Lies can do that.
Power can do that.
Deceit can do that.
Hell, even science can do that (speak to my cousin, a research scientist at a very esteemed University who is continually disgusted by how the head scientists will skew certain results based on who’s giving them the funding).
So yeah, good people do good things, bad people do bad things, but religion isn’t the only common denominator between good people doing bad things.
]]>Wasim Muklashy Cherry picking is a very dangerous thing. People who cherry pick often use the cherries that agree with their own feelings instead of reality.
Religion has no checks and balances, look at what is happening with the catholic church and child molestations. To be fair it happens in protestant churches as well, I know personally know several victims.
And I agree these things are not restricted to religion but the old adage power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is significant when talking about the will of god.
I have seen so many sane people swept up into religious practices that were simply insane. Before they got there they would often say they would never go that far but little by little they surrendered their will to a monomaniacal supernatural monster fostered on them by people of the same character as the god.
I know lots of good religious people, in fact most are but some the most horrible people I know use religion to justify what ever they think is right…
]]>There are bad people, and there are good people in every place. You cannot conclude that religion is bad, maybe because you have encountered one or two of the bad ones within the places you’ve been to. Besides, I see Christianity as a way of life. Don’t criticize what you don’t know. Instead, open your heart and learn more. Some religion maybe bad, but not all. If you deny the existence of God, you deny your own existence. Learning continues till death…
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. I would suggest you actually sit down and read your own Holy book. That is what started me on the path to reason and reality. If you can honestly sit down and read it and agree it is a moral guide then we cannot even talk.
Don’t tell me you only follow the New Testament, saying that undermines the very basis of your religion and the need for Jesus Christ who did believe in the absolute truth of the old testament.
If you can agree that all the war, murder, genocide, rape, child molestation, slavery, and just random cruelty demanded by or at least allowed by god is moral.
Good lord man, the simple fact that god is described and enjoying the smell of burning animals should be enough to give you pause.
If you can really in your heart feel those things are moral, then you are a person I want to avoid at all costs… Because you are dangerous, as dangerous as any fanatical jihadi, any white supremacist, any person who who follows that holy book or any holy book…
Another thing, your arrogance offends me.
You said:
“Don’t criticize what you don’t know”
You don’t know what I know, how old i am how long I believed, how badly is hurt me to realise how hollow and empty your religion and by definition all others are. You sir are arrogant beyond the pale.
“Instead, open your heart and learn more.’
I have dedicated my life to learning, my heart is open as is my mind. I simply do not allow ideas to crawl inside and take a dump.
If god is real and wants a relationship with me the ball is in his court, I stand open ready and thirsty for the knowledge he has to offer…
“Some religion maybe bad, but not all.’
This is exactly why religion is bad, there are no checks and balances. No way to tell which one is bad and which one is good. No way to tell what is true revelation and what is simply baseless assertions…
“If you deny the existence of God, you deny your own existence.”
While I have never denied the existence of god, there is no way to know that one way or another. No way to know if it’s Allah, Krishna, Mazda, Yahweh, Jesus, “Paul” or Thor, Zeus, Adriana, or The Great Spirit. I deny nothing, I simply do not by what the religious are selling. If you want to sell me a flying car but expect me to believe it can fly with no evidence you are insulting my intelligence.
“Learning continues till death…”
How very true that is, yet without evidence any assertion is easily dismissed with no evidence….
I am an Apistevist, I don’t know how any honest person could be anything else. If I claimed to believe it would be a lie, do you think god will reward me for lying?
]]>No, no. God will never reward someone lying. I hate it too, just as you do, Moontanman. The actions of the Israelites in the old testament and the requirements of God left me startled when I first read them, and even now when I read. It was too cruel and inhuman, sadistic. I can’t really explain why all that happened. Am sorry please for sounding arrogant in the first place. Now, something led to my own way of reasoning and believe. I cannot immediately say that Allah, Krishna, Mazda, Yahweh, Jesus, or Thor, Zeus, Adriana, or The Great Spirit is the ultimate, because I don’t know what you know about them. But, first of all, believe that there is a God that you don’t know. That may be the first step to finding Him. Sorry am speaking from my little experience. When something new is required, that means that the old has a fault. My holy book said; A new commandment I give to you, that you should love one another. And that this message must be taken to the uttermost parts of the earth as a witness to all nations ( John 13:34, Matthew 24:14). This cancelled the brutal ways of the old testament. I gave this a thought, and I said to myself; in the new testament all those wickedness has been transformed into Love. I have never read anywhere in the new testament that said destroy your enemies, unlike the old testament. But I have read; Love your enemies and pray for those who despitefully use you. Knowledge has no end. I can’t measure how far you have learned, but believe me; tomorrow you will learn something new, next year you will learn another also. Its someone accepted that is found. Believe He is, but you don’t know Him and I promise you that one day He will show himself to you. At the risk of sounding arrogant again, I want to say that you can only know what you want to know, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. The man that invented electricity did not find it in a day. You said that the Holy Book took you to the part of reason and reality. You will certainly find Jesus Christ because He is real.
Am not claiming that I have known God to the full, but I believe He is, and that I will know Him more day by day, as He review himself day by day.
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. And yet to be honest i have to accept all the stuff like subjugation of women, condemnation of gays, and all the other stuff in both old and new testaments that is not all warm and fuzzy…
I am 62 years old, i come from a long line a christians who believed without question but once I realised how empty belief really is with no evidence I started to look for that evidence. Many years were spent seeking out that evidence. So far none has been reveled…
There is no evidence jesus was real, no evidence of his divinity, in fact he never said he was god. Seriously dude you need read that book again and stop ignoring all the stuff you don’t like..
]]>Well, am not in anyway close to your age. That’s close to my father’s (of blessed memory) age, he died at 65 in 2013.
Your experience and understanding is far from mine. But I know something common to every human. We all need Love. And that is the hallmark of progress. Without Love science will build and still destroy to build again. I cherish science and technology myself, and want to know. That led me to this site. If we don’t love each other, we will only develop what to use and kill ourselves, instead of oneness. If you love me, you won’t hurt me and I won’t hurt you too. LOVE is my religion, LOVE is my believe.
You have a lot to teach me please…
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. I love my family, I love my friends, I love my fellow man, I cook for the homeless, I give to charity when I can. God is not required for love, in fact god/religion is more often than not used to justify persecution and hate.
Now that I am on a limited income that has become difficult but taking care my fellow man as much as I can has always been a large part of life. In fact christian conservative among my family and friends tell that giving money to charity is the main reason I have no money in my old age.
Nonetheless I would not go back and change that, my own humanity would suffer greatly if in fact I could not do those things.
Again, god/religion has been used to justify persecution of those who are different or worship in a different way. From wars to take land and resources from people like my ancestors to dragging slaves all over the world god/religion is the main justification of those things.
From the so called divine right of kings own their peasants and tax them into starvation to colonialism.
Subdelegation of women, persecution of gays, burning of witches and the totally made up idea of satanism to allow the church a reason to persecute those they didn’t like or have land or resources they wanted.
Science and technology is immaterial to the question of validity of the god claim. Science and the technology it gives us are merely tools.
Are you aware that if you take away everything made by the hand of man people start dying by the 10’s of thousands in days millions in weeks and moths billions in years.
Where do you think the food we eat originated from? Do you think all the domesticated crops were sent down by god? Domesticated animals? No, all those things were brought into existence by man by domesticating both animals and plants.
Did god eradicate smallpox? Does god provide clean water and sanitation?
A place you send you money so more churches can be built and more parasitic humans can work in them?
Take a truly critical look at religion, don’t be afraid, if it holds up as well as thing it will then there should be no problem.
I guarantee if you look at your religion in light of critical thinking. Most of religion claims as it’s good works will evaporate like the morning dew under the heat of the rising sun…
]]>You are really a good man. Your Charity is not the reason for your lack of much money at old age. Besides, you’re not poor, you’ve invested in peoples life and cannot be forgotten for your impact. The religion/god you refer to is absolutely different from what I believe, except if am yet to get to that stage of understanding. Where I will believe on persecution and wickedness as you characterized the Church. Man can domesticate animals, but cannot produce any animal. Who made the plants and animals? Cars, aeroplane, phones etc are all from human. What about the raw materials, who made them? Science and Technology harness raw materials. who made the raw materials? Who built the human body systems? From the respiratory system to the digestive system. Well arranged and coordinated. Did they just appear? Can you help me understand the source of all these things?
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. Why do you assume a creator? Evolution accounts for the diversity of life. Abiogenesis very nearly accounts for the origin of life. We are getting a lot closer to explaining that than most know btw… Nuclear fusion for the elements in the universe. The big bang for the presence of the universe.
At this point in time we can not go back any further than just after the expansion began, To ask what come before is like asking to see a line drawn on a globe to a point south of the south of the south pole. The question makes no sense..
]]>That’s the point. Most amazing discoveries came as a senseless question or vibration of thought. Science will finally discover that the origin of life has life in its self. And that’s why it could originate life. Also, that the origin of human life has senses, if not so, man wouldn’t have senses. That life originated from what is as powerful as human or more powerful since its the origin (considering the law of diminishing return). if its inform of elements or compound or other aggregate, we will know. But I know that, for anything to be discovered as the origin of life, it must still retain the ability to give life. And should be able to think, since man can think. I wish it will happen while am alive.
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. Now you are just making baseless assertions. If you don’t think we know about abiogenesis then you need to do some research someplace besides religious apologetics sites.
The origins of life is quite well understood, several different avenues are possible and many think a synergy of two or more of those pathways resulted in life.
Self replicating molecules are not rare in nature and with 4.5 billion years of time many things can happen. But since it is obvious that life originated just a few million years after the Earth accreted it would appear life is fairly easy under the correct circumstances..
Evolution of complex life took a while longer but the fossil and DNA trails are quite clear.
Now in all fairness I have to say this doesn’t preclude god in anyway but it is plain that god or some other source other than chemistry is not needed for any of it..
]]>+ Moontanman. Ok. Can you send me some sites please and your Facebook contact. I need to know more about abiogenesis and the Big bang.
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. I thought I replied to this, so here it is again: Good places to start. – The Origin of Life
]]> – TalkOrigins Archive: Exploring the Creation/Evolution Controversy
]]>Pius Nnamdi N.
]]>OK. Thanks
]]>This is by no means the only or even the best place to start but it is easy and accurate.
If you prefer videos this guy is one of the best but there are many more. – Our Origins Made Easy – YouTube
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. I am not sure why you want my facebook contact, I seldom use it. It is mostly used by my wife, if you want it i will give it to you but a why would be nice..
]]>I appreciate the knowledge you’ve shared to me, and would like to learn more and also know you more. Here is comment under Wasim’s post. And am thinking its not suitable for continuous interaction between us.
]]>Pius Nnamdi N. I suggest we follow each other i and i will start a private thread. I seldom bother with facebook, far too much bullshit is passed over and over there and no love for facts what so ever. My wife mostly follows a few groups about basset hounds, our late life babies, lol.
]]>Lolzzz… Your funny sir.
OK. I’ve followed you.