Telescope Upgrades Will Allow Scientists to See 13 Billion Years Into the Universe’s Past

Telescope Upgrades Will Allow Scientists to See 13 Billion Years Into the Universe’s Past

“While we are used to much of our tech getting smaller, telescopes seem to be embracing the philosophy of bigger is better. The HERA (Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array) radio telescope is among those massive arrays peeking not only to far distances, but also through billions of years.

No, HERA is not a time machine (at least not in the Back to the Future sense) but given the way that light works, these large telescopes are looking into the past. Since light travels at a constant rate, we can measure distance by how long it takes for that light to travel to us (measured in light years). So, if we’re looking at a star 10 billion light years away, we are seeing that star as it existed 10 billion years ago…”

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