Oh WOW! I mean…this is INSANE! If this isn’t #REALnews , I don’t know what is. Seriously people, this is madness! Can’t tell if this is good or bad or what, but you need to WATCH this video!
#science #CRISPR #future #medical #health #ethics
Kami Tenchi
But therein lies the question…are we playing God? I mean, if this is considered playing God, it can be argued that 100 years ago, inventing a car was playing God, or 150 years ago that inventing electricity was playing God, or that simply dying your hair is playing God, or 80 years ago that penicillin was playing God. Is it playing God, or is it just a natural part of our evolution? I mean, after all, everything, whether we see it as natural or not, comes from nature. Everything. I’m lost on where this stuff starts and where it ends. What we’re doing as a species as information becomes more democratized and readily accessible and shareable is incredibly fascinating and just as incredibly baffling. Waaaaay beyond my paygrade…
Wow, this is wonderful
That is the Big question mark ~~~
Kami Tenchi
Why did god make cancer ?
He is a very bad man !
Kami Tenchi
Then he/she is not all powerful as he/she cannot defeat the devil.
If he/she is not all powerful then he/she is not a god.
He/she/it cannot cure everyone’s cancer as quickly as the devil gives it out.
We better start praying to the devil !
Kami Tenchi. LOL !
Satan was made up by the same primitive people who made up your god.
Try to be grown-up and logical.
Your god does not exist.
If there were an all-powerful good being then the world would be a better place.
Stop making excuses for your own inaction and be a better person.
Your god lets people get cancer, be decapitated and loads of other bad things.
If he really existed and let this happen he would be EVIL.
Either he is evil or he does not exist.
Kami Tenchi. :-). I am glad that you are happy in your make-believe world. 🙂
You say “God will one day defeat Satan”,
but for now he is happy to “allow” evil because bad people killing babies is all “part of his plan”.
If you could prove that your god existed – I would not like him.
Kami Tenchi
“God could” – but he doesn’t.
“God would” – but he doesn’t.
Starting to look like he doesn’t exist !
Kami Tenchi
If you still don’t get it..
Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
With respect, you sir are a fool.
Proverbs 29:9 If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.
With respect, you sir are a fool.
Most importantly..
I do good because I am a good person, not because “voices” threaten me with what will happen unless I blindly obey them.
Have a Good day) :3
yeah I still dont get why the first two years in our relatiobship we were good. Then August of 2015, she thinks that we should spend more time, get closer,quit smoking. oh but smoke weed and stay home by yourself for the next 52 weekends. broke n board. heres a 20. go hang with the dealers….