“There have been numerous attempt to generate electricity using rain, but this may be one of the more effective solutions yet. Researchers have developed a generator that uses a field-effect transistor-style structure to instantly produce a surprisingly high voltage from water drops — a single drop can muster 140V, or enough power to briefly light up 100 small LED bulbs. Earlier generators without the structure produced “thousands” of times less instant power density, the scientists said.
The new design mates an aluminum electrode with an indium tin oxide electrode layered with PTFE, a material with a “quasi-permanent” electric charge. When a drop hits the PTFE/tin surface, it bridges the two electrodes and creates a closed-loop circuit. That helps fully release any stored charges. The technology could handle sustained rainfall, too. If there are continuous drops, the charge accumulates and eventually hits a saturation point…”
Read More: https://www.engadget.com/2020/02/09/raindrop-electricity-generator/