Pulling Water, Fuel, and Power From Thin Air Is Getting Practical

Pulling Water, Fuel, and Power From Thin Air Is Getting Practical

“Pulling things from thin air is generally considered a magic trick. But several recent research papers suggest we could soon be extracting valuable resources like water, fuel, and power from the atmosphere.

Startup http://carbonengineering.com/ published a https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/06/its-possible-to-reverse-climate-change-suggests-major-new-study/562289/ for turning atmospheric CO2 into fuel last week that is starting to make the approach seem economically viable. And just a day later, a https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/8/17441496/fog-harvesting-water-scarcity-environment-crisis outlined new ways to pull water from the air, one by harvesting fog more effectively and another that can extract moisture even in the driest deserts…”


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