Texas Tech Makerspace Group 3D Prints Prosthetic Hand for Eight-Year-Old Spiderman Fan
“While makers, hackers, and hobbyists from nearly every country enjoy the benefits of 3D printing, the technology has lent itself to a wide variety of important endeavors. We have followed as NASA has created a new way to make rocket engine nozzles, the Army uses 3D printing in experimental exercises, and surgeons in Wales just gave one of their patients the first 3D printed chest implant. And although the medical field has seen enormous impacts and strides in patient-specific care, the area of medical devices, and especially prosthetics, has been transformed around the world for those in need—especially children.
Eight-year-old Toby Carrizales is the latest to benefit from a 3D printed prosthetic, thanks to the resourcefulness of SivaTeja Pati, a biology major at Texas Tech University who has made excellent use of the Makerspace in the University Library. Pati is a member of the American Medical Student Association and he is hoping to attend medical school after graduating from Texas Tech. He became interested in how 3D printing is affecting the medical field after researching the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 3D Print Exchange database and fabricating some models of the brain…”
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