<![CDATA[China Will Make as Much Clean Electricity by 2030 as the U.S. Does From All Sources Today]]>
China Will Make as Much Clean Electricity by 2030 as the U.S. Does From All Sources Today
“Elon Musk pointed out the high standard that China is held to under the Paris Climate Agreement.China has already been making significant strides in reducing pollution, an it has remained committed to the accord, along with the majority of nations…”
#future = #REALnews #clean #green #sustainability #energy #tech #innovation #progress #science #design #engineering #revolution #environment #solar #climatechange #ClimateAction #renewableenergy #renewables #economy
USA is suiciding.
]]>Frank Castle Uh…you do realize that they’re MUCH more financially secure than we can even dream to be right? You might want to check your ignorance at the door and do a bit of research before making ill-informed pea-brained comments like that.
]]>Frank Castle Reduce what!? Their emissions? For one, they’ve stuck to the Paris agreement as did EVERY country in the world except Nicaragua and Syria (and now us). And if you pay attention to anything but your own bubble, you’ll realize that this week Congress, including 45 House Republicans, acknowledged that climate change is a national security risk that needs to be addressed. So if you truly cared about America, you’d wake the fuck up. And second of all, China and India are working TOWARDS sustainable energy, not to get away from it. They now have the world’s largest and efficient solar farms and sustainable communities. We, unfortunately for us, have given them an incredible opportunity to take charge. It’s very simple – you rely on the past (coal, oil, blah blah America first blah blah) and get left behind, or you prepare and innovate towards the future and lead the world in that direction. Myself…I’d much rather focus on innovating for the future so I don’t get left behind like a ‘fucking retard’.
]]>Frank Castle And we give them money because we owe them money. They own 1.24 TRILLION dollars of our debt. But then again, I’m just a ‘fucking retard’, so what do I know…
]]>Frank Castle What in the fuck are you talking about!? No we don’t. We don’t give anyone shit through the Paris climate change agreement! Everyone puts into a fund that benefits everyone in the development and global implementation of clean energy, essentially creating a whole market for people to buy that shit from us, so quite the contrary, by NOT contributing, we now miss out on all of the benefits of the money that EVERY OTHER COUNTRY OTHER THAN US, SYRIA AND NICARAGUA is contributing, from research to implementation. Furthermore, any private developments in those fields we do here, why the fuck would the world buy from us if we’re just giving htem the middle finger? And goddamnit you illiterate twat – the post says “China Will Make as Much Clean Electricity by 2030 as the U.S. Does From All Sources Today” which means, between now and then, they will have created as much clean electricity as we do from all of our sources combined…it doesn’t happen overnight dude. This basically means they’re getting a 15 year head start on us in the technology, innovation and infrastructure for clean energy. The only person getting any benefit of this in the U.S. is the bosses of the fossil fuel companies so they can try to milk what they can of their dead fossil horseshit. And that whole ‘retarded’ line of yours, is getting old. Mixed with your tired canned predictable responses, that really does nothing but make you sound, well, retarded.
]]>Frank Castle Ahhh…it all makes sense now, you literally believe everything Trump says. Before everyone of those points in that article you cited, it begins with ‘Trump noted.’ That doesn’t make it a fact. As a matter of fact, that more often than not makes it the exact opposite of a fact…a con. He’s just catering to what his base wants to hear man. Furthermore, in your very own article, it also cites “there is no obligation for countries to pay into the fund, as it is voluntary.” Re-read that in case you missed it… “IT IS VOLUNTARY.” So you could stay in teh agreement and not pay a fucking dollar. But as the military this week, along with 45 House Republicans, acknowledged, that we must deal with climate change before it, very literally, deals with us, by refusing to remove it from the military budget. We can ignore it all we want man, but along with that, we ignore every single business opportunity that arises from combatting it as well. You pick whatever fucking side you want, but I’m going with, and fighting tooth and nail for, the one that at least gives my kids a chance to grow up in a world that is cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable than the fuckery we’ve gotten ourselves into. The first industrial revolution is done. And if we don’t take the lead on the next one, well…India and China and Russia are foaming at the mouth to step up…
]]>Frank Castle Not to mention, as the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, we are a HUGE reason for this mess we’re in to begin with, so we just get to cause a shitstorm and walk away from it!? Take no responsibility whatsoever? Is that the ‘American’ way? And furthermore, China has pledged 3.1 BILLION to the fund if we held up our end of hte bargain, which we didn’t, so instead they’ve now
instituted the largest cap and trade program on the planet, a system that even Republicans, including Secretary of State Tillerson, and the oil giants in the U.S. back. On top of that, they are investing $360 BILLION in the next 3 years in renewable energy for their own country, something we could have all taken advantage of here as well if we weren’t such short sighted fucking morons. Make no mistake, pulling out of the Paris Agreement is a short-term political tactic, and a long term fucking disaster while every other country reaps the financial benefits and employment opportunities of a quickly emerging market and industry. Ask the farmers in the midwest dealing with the effects of climate change. Ask the fisherman who are seeing all the coral dying and not sustaining fish for them to catch. Ask the firefighters on the West Coast what they’re dealing with, and the farmers in the central valley. Ask the mayor of Miami and New Orleans as they watch their coastlines recede. Dude. Seriously. What the fuck!? Just walk away from the talking heads on TV for a minute and go look for yourself. That’s literally all it takes.