<![CDATA[Hyundai reportedly working on next-gen solid-state batteries for electric vehicles]]>
Hyundai reportedly working on next-gen solid-state batteries for electric vehicles
“Major car companies like Hyundai have toyed with both hydrogen and electricity for clean fuel sources, but now it seems the Seoul, South Korea-based manufacturer may be taking a major step towards improving technology for their electric cars with solid-state batteries. An April 5 report from The Korea Herald says the car company has pilot-scale battery production facilities in which they’re developing the battery technology that could store more energy and be a game changer for the industry…”
#future = #clean #green #sustainability #energy #tech #innovation #progress #science #design #engineering #revolution #environment #solar #climatechange #ClimateAction #renewableenergy #renewables #economy #cars #ev
Batteries destroy the Earth. And how do you think that electricity is created; coal, oil other fossil fuels, and gas. Grow up Liberals and smell the reality of the engine that drives economies.
]]>icky TeQ Please show me how batteries are made using coal, oil, and other fossil fuels.
]]>icky TeQ And I’d recommend you quit living in the past. Fossil fuels fueled our first industrial revolution. They are not what will be fueling the second. futurism.com – More People Are Employed by Solar Power Than All Fossil Fuels Combined
]]>icky TeQ And furthermore… But hey, who says innovation has to continue right? Let’s just stick ourselves in the 1900s and stay there? That seems to make sense… newsfactor.com – Electric Vehicle Maker Tesla Is Now Worth More than Ford | NewsFactor Network
]]>I absolutely love pissing off ignorant self-righteous LIBERALS. It sends a tingle up my leg.
]]>Wasim Muklashy Electricity for the batteries is made from fossil fuel. Go back to school and quit being indoctrinated into Liberal Lefty Ideology (religion). Wind, Solar, and other non-fossil fuels are all enhanced by tax-payers money and don’t work nearly as efficient. Wind turbines kill birds and look ugly. Solar only works during sunny days. Batteries are not able to be disposed of easily. It costs more to make a Tesla from oil and coal than you can recover. What powers that plant to make a Tesla? Not Solar or Wind Turbines…
BTW- I own a Tesla. But only because I can, not because of Liberal CRAZINESS.
]]>icky TeQ its funny because you don’t piss me off at all. I actually feel kinda sorry for you dinosaurs.
]]>icky TeQ I call bullshit. Send me a picture of this post with your Tesla.
]]>Wasim Muklashy I don’t need to send you shit because you are made up of shit. You are the worse kind of LIBERAL you are ignorant and ill informed. I wouldn’t sent you a picture of my crap I just pooped in the toilet you piece of crap I just pooped.
]]>icky TeQ ok
]]>Wasim Muklashy I actually have 2 Teslas, one for me and one for my wife. Unlike your ass that still lives in his Mom’s basement. Piece of Shit.I also have a thriving business. I pay taxes so your ugly no-good ass can live in your Mom’s basement. You are such a loser just get out of America and make it great again.
]]>icky TeQ ok
]]>Wasim Muklashy sorry. I’ve had a rough day at work and I took it out on you.
]]>icky TeQ that’s ok. day’s over. have a glass of wine, relax, and hope you have a better day tomorrow.
]]>Wasim Muklashy I apologize. It was not needed to call you names or belittle you. It is beneath me to do that.
]]>icky TeQ don’t worry about it. happens to the best of us. no harm done.
]]>Wasim Muklashy That sounds like a plan. Cold glass of wine and a good movie. I have 2 Tesla’s, 1 BMW, and an old Hyundai XG-350 that I love to death. I hope you have comfort in your cars as well. of course I live with other people that can enjoy those vehicles (kids, mom, friends)
]]>icky TeQ fantastic. glad to hear it. can’t complain. i’m milking my hybrid Nissan Altima until the Tesla 3 I have on order is delivered.
]]>Wasim Muklashy Please keep me informed. I’m all about environment, I just don’t like the propaganda. I just yelled at someone emptying her ashrray out the window at a stoplight..
]]>icky TeQ I guess you’ve never heard of nuclear and hydro. There is nothing stopping someone from putting up solar panels and running their electric car off of it! The oil age is ending. One day you won’t want a ICE car. The electric cars are already far better in every way. You just don’t know it yet. Also remember that they will only get better.
]]>Wasim Muklashy Tesla is a lot of fun to drive but a guilty pleasure and not great on utility. I still drive my gas-guzzling old beat up pickup truck to Home Depot.
]]>Islamisthecultofsin You’re absolutely correct. Nuclear and Hydro are much more efficient and don’t need scrubbers. Hydro is obviously limited and nuclear is initially very expensive and still controversial among local voters.
But until solar becomes practical and not having to be gov’t (tax payer) assisted, fossil fuels are still available as a tried and true method of economic engines for Countries all over the world including the U.S.
I know our last President along with Congress tried to force alternative energy by over regulating and imposing high taxes on the coal mines and blocking the pipeline by executive orders. Obama even said he wanted to see $5 per gallon gas prices in a public speech.
The free marketplace should decide when and how alternative energy will replace fossil fuels, not the gov’t. Besides aren’t WE THE PEOPLE suppose to BE the gov’t?
]]>icky TeQ that’s great but you are ignoring the huge costs that the whole world will bear the cost of fixing if us selfish consumers continue down the path of burning fossil fuels. Many European countries, places like Norway, and New Zealand are moving towards solar, thermal, hydro and wind power. (Most still have a long way to go but they have started the process in earnest) and yes fossil fuel is still cheaper but just try to imagine the mega costs of reversing the effects of global warming. Fossil Fuel Future is extremely short sighted. Because consumers have not demonstrated that they can not individually coordinate and build the necessary infrastructure we need governments to lead the rapid transition needed. If we are honest it is highly possible that we have already passed a tipping point and the opportunity to address catastrophic global warming has already been passed. Perhaps the scientific community doesn’t want to say this as if you remove hope then people become fatalistic and won’t even attempt to try and deal with the end game.