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#future = #clean #green #energy #sustainability #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #science #tech #innovation
#future = #clean #green #energy #sustainability #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #science #tech #innovation
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Colonel Dubois
You’re very very wrong.
For one, we would save TRILLIONS on medical expenses and climate change related disasters alone. And if you pay attention to what’s happening in renewable and green energy, you’d see that it is quickly becoming more efficient and the scaling of the technologies on a pace faster than we even anticipated. Not only is there a backup plan in place, but it’s already begun and is already successful:
“Since 2007, electricity generation from coal has fallen 24.9% from 2.02 billion MW-hrs to 1.51 billion MW-hrs in 2012. Meanwhile, over the same time frame wind grew 309% to 140.8 million MW-hrs and solar grew 607% to 4.3 million MW-hrs. That doesn’t include distributed solar on residential rooftops or any installations from 2013, which was a record year for solar, installing about 4.4 GW in the U.S.”
And not to mention
“The world is now adding more capacity for renewable power each year than coal, natural gas, and oil combined.”
So no, you’re just stuck in the last 100 years of the industrial revolution and fail to look at the next.
Colonel Dubois
Ok. It’s very obvious you have an agenda and you will deny any and all facts and figures that don’t play into that agenda.
Wind and solar are anything BUT dilute. And no storage method?? Have you been paying attention to ANYTHING in the past decade? Does Tesla or Powerwall ring a bell? Heck, they just signed a contract to power and store energy for part of the California grid. Efficiency is up almost 40% in the past 10 years, and price is down over 25% in the past 4 years. Costa Rica ran on 100% renewable energies for almost 300 days last year. And there are already over 40 countries that are getting more than 70% of their energy from solar, including Germany! And domestically, we’re making inroads. heck in California alone, from last June to this June, utility-scale solar output was up 36.5%. Photovoltaic output up 47.5%, and at points in this last June, California’s solar produced more than 50% of the state’s electricity!
And here’s the best part…it’s all innovated by free market entrepreneurs. Who are creating jobs. In fact, solar is now the biggest renewable employer globally, with almost 8 million finding work in the sector since 2010, and an 20% growth in those jobs just last year, and in the U.S? 18% up just last year and a 53% growth in renewable energy jobs since 2012. IN FOUR YEARS. Additionally, in the past year alone, solar added more jobs in the states than fossil fuels (http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/solar-adds-more-us-jobs-than-fossil-fuel-extraction_100017786/#axzz3aV9AhD2E)
And there may be subsidies, but it’s these subsidies that are partly why the innovation has been happening at such a rapid pace in this, the age of exponential disruption. Oh, and meanwhile, fossil fuels are also taking 5.3 billion a year in those…
So why you may rub this stuff off as nonsense, well, sorry…innovation and science and the future gets me excited, not nostalgia, as evidenced by the very name of this collection. While the old school sits and laments, the new school is busy innovating and creating and designing and engineering.
So yeah, true and tested. Muskets were once true and tested go-tos. So were candles. So were newspapers. So were flip phones. So was the horse and carriage. All antiquated and moot for all practical purposes. They represent 1900-2000. They do not represent 2000 – present. And furthermore, if we don’t start pushing further in these future technologies, you can sit back and watch as China dominates us and the world, as they’ve recently taken on the task of beginning to build a 50 trillion dollar global wind & solar power grid by 2050. And on top of it all, it’s becoming so cheap and efficient that developing nations are harnessing the power and effects of sustainable wind and solar energy, and they’re some of the top innovators in the space (http://www.economist.com/news/business/21696941-solar-power-reshaping-energy-production-developing-world-follow-sun?). EVEN SAUDI ARABIA are making one of the biggest investments in solar in the world, as they themselves see the limits of the dead sludge underneath their feet.
So yes, let’s sit on our quickly depleting, cancer causing, global warming causing laurels while the rest of the world kicks our ass.
Because ‘murka!
Colonel Dubois Free market coal and oil energy use has put us in the climate situation we have now. Its time to behave in a responsible manner. Its time to develope the full potential of solar and wind energy. The sun provides us with unlimited energy potential. We have but to develope it. Storage solutions are available now. They’re being used now. New solar cell technology is coming on line every few months. Efficiency is being increased, price is dropping dramatically. New battery technology is also being developed. Vehicle batteries are available with 200 to 300 mile range. Charging stations are being built all over the country. Solar on a traditional grid scale is being deployed. Private home solar systems ( Powerwall) can charge your car overnight, and power your house. To not use the tremendous amout of solar energy that strikes the Earth every day , in favor of old dirty coal and oil is ridiculous. Its slow suicide, for what? To just keep doing what we are used to? Idiocy. Lets progress into a brighter and cleaner future, and pull our heads out of the sand.
As far as no way to store wind and solar energy. What? It can be stored mechanically, pump water up into a water tower during the day with solar driven electric pumps , and let the water drain through a turbine at night. Or use focused solar light to heat liquid sodium, which is stored underground. That heat can be used to power a steam turbine, which will drive a generator. ( being done now.) Solar energy farms can power small towns. The electricity generated during the day can power individual buildings, and charge a community battery bank for night time use, or charge up home owners powerwall systems. Private homes with solar panels and a powerwall system I’ve already mentioned. Wind energy can be stored in similar fashion. Innovative ideas are being tested all the time.
John Bailey
Oh yeah, I stopped replying to him. It was obvious with each answer he was set in his ways and had an agenda he was defending rather than opening his eyes to what’s actually happening. Pick and choose my battles…